Thursday, January 20, 2011


Snowfall rudely buries
under its proverbial blanket,
it slants coldly down,
razors through icy air,
borne within an evil wind,
a steady drowning snowfall
deeply disguising my world,
transforming today,
like a Death-Mask
from another life:

There, alone, wandering lost,
seeking him
in a daze of frozen time,
stung relentlessly
as the snow harshly blows,
borne within an evil wind,
into my very soul,
snowlight blurs my vision
as tears freeze
upon my cheeks,
yet I cannot stop

Searching, yet
never finding,
a quest unfulfilled,
a loss excruciating;
yesterday blends into today:
same snow
same wind
same tears.

20 January 2011

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