Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Leaves (tanka)


sunlit gems glitter
rustling yellow orange and red
flashes of color
falling into brown winter
an “affy tapple” crunches

29 August 2006
(“affy tapple” is a brand of caramel apples)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

In Dreams

In Dreams

They say “she walks in beauty like the night,”
Something about the cloudless climes,
For me, only nightmares traverse the night
Giving neither reasons nor rhymes;

Beyond my sleep, the Nightman rides alone,
His masked face never revealing,
Motivation nor his destination,
Into my dreams his soul stealing;

Before the dawn, the Nightman envelopes,
Stinging and singing mournful tune,
Like Death, his offer is a strange releasing,
No defense, tossed in nightmare doomed;

With a silent sigh and eyelids trembled,
Fearful heart welcomes him at last,
Surrendering now, our dreams united,
No cloudless clime, darkness holds fast;

Like a hurricane overswept am I,
Helpless now in his arms I lie,
His mask removed, now Death shall fly ~
Unusual Beauty! Nightmares lie.
27 August 2006

Scent (haiku)


sudden storm passes
leaving dankness loitering
scent of lightning hangs

27 August 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life (haiku)


covering like fog
the "what's next" ever obscured
hand-holding comfort

16 August 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006



Hot sticky moon,
an orange blow-pop
stuck into the midnight;

One beating pulse,
nightbirds calling her
soul into the midnight;

She'll find her way
by the light of her moon,
her August birthday moon,
shining through the midnight.

13 August 2006
for Aly

Memorial Service

Memorial Service

poignant serenade
mourning hum of voices low
remembering her
mother sister daughter friend
God's love and choice claimed too soon

~ for M. C. M.
1962 – 2006

13 August 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Oregon Coast (haiku)

Oregon Coast

roaring surf attacks
bequeathing sculpted tidepools
seashells echo time

07 August 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Generations (tanka)


clarity of mind
eludes my soul's impatience
so I bequeath else:
~ persevere, consider love ~
our family legacy.

05 August 2006

Thursday, August 03, 2006



Moonlight dances;
evolution’s lover
covers the night.

Suspended like death;
paralyzed upon you
I am serene.

03 August 2006