Tuesday, December 26, 2006

"Wish" haiku


blowing through windows
soft air belies crashing sea
starlight wish answered

26 December 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Silent Night

Silent Night

outside in the cold
winds twisting through bare branches
on a Christmas Eve
happy whispering wishes
silent anticipation

17 December 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

Baba’s homemade cookies,
old Macedonian recipes,
arriving in the mail ~
some crumbled and broken,
still melting in my mouth
deliciously different;

Mysterious packages
hidden among my mother’s shoes ~
peeking warded off by
black and white Spectator pumps
guarding silently,
sentinels of surprise;

My Dad’s monsters,
perfectly painted models,
stand under the tree ~
our Three Wise Men,
Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Wolfman
protect my tiny Red Dress Girl;

Jimmy and Philip shouting,
my sister counting gifts,
our four stockings bulge ~
Mommy made each one
exactly the same,
yet always we know our own;

First, Gene Autry sings “Rudolph,”
then Jerry Vale’s soaring voice,
as wrapping paper scatters ~
“Blue Christmas” from Elvis,
we muse over our treasures,
happy children, basking in Love.

11 December 2006
for my parents

Thursday, December 07, 2006

"Winter Storm" haiku

Winter Storm

rattling our bones
blowing screaming sleet and snow
Old Man Winter grins

07 December 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Grieving (tanka)


dampness penetrates
bone-chilling winds pierce the soul
brown leaves fall to mold
heavy darkness lingering
tears falling on a fresh grave

29 September 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

Old Friends

Old Friends

ever-present rays
shining warmly across time
ne'er dimmed though storms blow
battering senselessly harsh
an old lighthouse looms firmly
24 November 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sleep (haiku)


easing into sleep
"perchance to dream" peacefully
the nightmares begin

22 November 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Transition (tanka)


pumpkin pies cooling
dry leaves rustle underfoot
harvest moon shines on
first glinting of wet snowflakes
sneaky deceptive beauty

05 November 2006

Wind (haiku)


rattling windows
howling around and about
dry leaves' last journey

05 November 2006


The Winds of Winter

The Winds of Winter
blow coldly past;
landscape changes,
colors revealing
silent sleep like death.

The Winds of Winter
blow coldly through;
breath frosting,
piercing layered
thermal and goosedown.

The Winds of Winter
blow coldly in;
freezing the heart,
hopeless dreariness
stills a sanguine soul.

The Winds of Winter
blow coldly on;
yet a single Star shines,
diamond snow at night

05 November 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006



blowing coldly on
night-time restless howling winds
relentless darkness
across a fearful landscape
one heartbeat haunting my dreams

15 October 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

School (tanka)


blistering boredom
history's names and dates drone
children's slack faces
by chance one child’s mind ignites
dying words: “I'm still learning”
06 October 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006



Ancient Prophetress,
what see you
as you gaze pensive
into the scrying bowl?
Sacred water
reflecting portent images,
swirling time and distance;
"Beware!" she cries,
as if struck back,
her prophecy severe.

Four thousand years
pass in a heartbeat;
pensive visage
stares back sadly;
A broken soul
reflecting incident images,
swirling time and distance;
"At last!" she cries
from ages past,
her prophecy complete.

30 September 2006

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tornado (haiku)


whirling righteous wrath
nature’s blasphemous sermon
brutal baptism

30 September 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Birth (tanka)


pregnant air crackles
crashing thunderclouds signal
the promise of rain
when thirsty fields await
baby’s face revealed at last

24 September 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

Moonstruck Moment

Moonstruck Moment

still forests filter
a silent dance of shadows
one wolf's serenade

22 September 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September's Garden

September's Garden

Golden days breezing,
filtered sunlight streaming through the trees;
the Wind scurries past
like Alice's White Rabbit ~
Late, so late, for a very important date ~

Leaves, browned and tired,
drift down executing their last dance;
Summer's flowers beg,
like last year's sad debutants ~
Pick me, pick me, I am still young, and lovely ~

Through my old garden
I rake, poking about here and there;
crisp'd air, an omen,
Winter's yearly Messenger ~
Hark ye, hark, Persephone abideth below ~

Whence my loveliness?
Shall my dance breathe out frosted, aching;
old bone, joints, muscles,
like Spring's forlorn memory?
Forget not, forget me not, my Entity endures, strong and true.

17 September 2006
~ for my father

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Then, and Now (haiku)

Then, and Now

like clouds billowing
obscuring blue New York skies
a haunted skyline

11 September 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Castle's Queen

Castle's Queen

The Castle's light
Shone in the night,
A single boat
Cross Castle's moat,
Carries a Lady Fair;

The Castle's King
Stood e'er serene,
From Castle's wall
O'erlooking all,
His gaze on Lady Fair;

The Castle's host
With pleasure most,
Hail Castle's Queen!
With Love for Lady Fair.

06 September 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Honor (tanka)


"age goes before youth"
rarest thought for today's teen
a door held open
veteran soldier limps through
small courtesy well-deserved

05 September 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Leaves (tanka)


sunlit gems glitter
rustling yellow orange and red
flashes of color
falling into brown winter
an “affy tapple” crunches

29 August 2006
(“affy tapple” is a brand of caramel apples)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

In Dreams

In Dreams

They say “she walks in beauty like the night,”
Something about the cloudless climes,
For me, only nightmares traverse the night
Giving neither reasons nor rhymes;

Beyond my sleep, the Nightman rides alone,
His masked face never revealing,
Motivation nor his destination,
Into my dreams his soul stealing;

Before the dawn, the Nightman envelopes,
Stinging and singing mournful tune,
Like Death, his offer is a strange releasing,
No defense, tossed in nightmare doomed;

With a silent sigh and eyelids trembled,
Fearful heart welcomes him at last,
Surrendering now, our dreams united,
No cloudless clime, darkness holds fast;

Like a hurricane overswept am I,
Helpless now in his arms I lie,
His mask removed, now Death shall fly ~
Unusual Beauty! Nightmares lie.
27 August 2006

Scent (haiku)


sudden storm passes
leaving dankness loitering
scent of lightning hangs

27 August 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life (haiku)


covering like fog
the "what's next" ever obscured
hand-holding comfort

16 August 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006



Hot sticky moon,
an orange blow-pop
stuck into the midnight;

One beating pulse,
nightbirds calling her
soul into the midnight;

She'll find her way
by the light of her moon,
her August birthday moon,
shining through the midnight.

13 August 2006
for Aly

Memorial Service

Memorial Service

poignant serenade
mourning hum of voices low
remembering her
mother sister daughter friend
God's love and choice claimed too soon

~ for M. C. M.
1962 – 2006

13 August 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Oregon Coast (haiku)

Oregon Coast

roaring surf attacks
bequeathing sculpted tidepools
seashells echo time

07 August 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Generations (tanka)


clarity of mind
eludes my soul's impatience
so I bequeath else:
~ persevere, consider love ~
our family legacy.

05 August 2006

Thursday, August 03, 2006



Moonlight dances;
evolution’s lover
covers the night.

Suspended like death;
paralyzed upon you
I am serene.

03 August 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Summer (haiku)


steady Nikon clicks
splashing laughing child
time frozen, framed forever

26 July 2006

Walking with Abuse (tanka)

Waking with Abuse

sheltered leaves await
shadows ease into the sun
dawn's cacophony
sears all 'midst heavy daylight
swallowing a stifled cry


25 July 2006

Alternate version

sheltered leaves await
shadows ease into the sun
dawn's cacophony
sears all 'midst heavy daylight
drowning out a stifled cry

25 July 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006



Hidden sometimes
strangled ~
a wild strange cry
like a distant sea bird;

hurt sometimes
bandaged ~
splinted or a splinter
poking bleeding;

my heart.

Secretive sometimes
soaring ~
skilled in unknown waters
under a darkened sky;

steady always
beating gently ~
yet tough enough
like an anchor;

your heart.

24 July 2006
~ for Cris

Friday, July 21, 2006

A Woman’s Place (The Victorian Wife)

A Woman’s Place (The Victorian Wife)

pale dawn yawns stiffly
corset crushes fresh bruises
a silenced life weeps

21 July 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



The modern cave is sterile,
Quiet as a tomb,
Distant voices blurring,
Echoing this room;

Footfalls coming softly,
Perhaps a warning squeak,
Tense anticipation,
Exposed, once more I’m weak;

No sound escapes my lips,
No movement in my limbs,
A broken shell I lie here,
The Dragon lies within;

The Dragon gnaws in hunger,
It grows in strength and speed,
It feeds upon my body,
It satisfies its needs;

Wherefore rides my Bold Knight?
O, my saviour, my dream?
Wherefore his Shining Armor?
Hope’s a dimming gleam;

In the midnight hour, he comes
With Sword of Death held high,
One swift battle ends it,
I feel the Dragon die;

As his final fiery breath expels
And mingles mine above;
I embrace my Knight, Sweet Death,
My own and one true Love.

19 July 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006

Waste Land (haiku)

Waste Land

like ice-hard rain
slashing in swollen bellies
as our trash dumps fill

14 July 2006

Locket (2-stanza tanka)


easy sunny days
when fearless youth reigned hopeful
echo icy storms
weather-worn the wild years fade
together we face the wind

heavy persuasion
ruled by the luring moon
time nor distance cuts
the ribbon tie that binds us
souls within a silver heart

14 July 2006
For Lorraine,
my Sister of the Moon

Saturday, July 01, 2006

4th of July (tanka)

4th of July

young mothers pointing
skyward sparkles exploding
thunderous booming
echoes into distant lands
POW mothers weep

01 July 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006



1907 Greece; desitution.
"Go, son, go ~
This ship will take you to America."
The boy stows away.
"I love you, my son."
His mother weeps alone.

Her prayer was for his safety.

His mother's face fades
as waves wash away
his past;
the ship is bound for Argentina,
not America.

Hidden survival,
below decks.
"I love you," she had said.
But he's just a boy
and bad men find him.

Her prayer was for his safety.

He pleases the bad men,
and so he survives;
on the Argentine shore
a bad man says, "go, boy, go ~
this ship will take you to America."
This past, too,
will wash away.

Her prayer was for his safety.

The little boy finds America
waiting with open arms
like a mother's greeting,
and he is embraced;
no one has a past.
He hears her tears,
"I love you."

Her prayer was for his safety;
America, Land of the Free.

30 June 2006
~ for my Mom and her Popche

Thursday, June 29, 2006



Breezeless humid air
thick as water;
Standing in the sun
boiling, burning skin,
sweat merges;
One with Nature.

July descends
Like suffocation.

29 June 2006

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Last Ribbon (haiku)

The Last Ribbon

weary heartbeat fades
helplessly farewell tears fall
Heaven's rainbow waits

27 June 2006
for Lorraine

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Battle and Song

The Battle and Song

A birthday rolls in
like thunder rumbling,
heralding the ominous inevitable destruction,
the process of aging;

Mine's always happy
like a bright parade,
heralding the thundering echoing conquering of death,
a year's battle won;

My Captain led the fight,
my soul's troubadour,
he sang "calling calling calling come and get aboard the train,"
his voice a battle cry;

Alone ~ breathing raging,
his voice all around
became my North and South, East and West, my Compass Rose, my Song;
a lifelong love affair;

These two together
~ the Battle and Song ~
forged in fiery understanding so carefully wrought by Love,
now a birthday present;

"Just a CD," he says
as the gift is small,
yet I hear his love and comfort in the songs my Captain sings,
because he understands;

Most do not hear romance
in Johnny Cash's songs,
but my husband knows that Voice lives on within my heart and soul,
well-armed, I will fight on.

23 June 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Summer Storm Approaching (Victorian haiku)

Summer Storm Approaching

perspiring men swear
softly as thunder rolls in
her parasol droops

20 June 2006

Blue State Limerick

Blue State Limerick

There once was a woman named Alys,
Who looked upon some with great malice,
She read lots of books,
She knew they were crooks;
No surprise: they all came from Texas.

20 June 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Father

My Father

always treehouses
monster movies and kayaks
a grandchild’s first bath
Johnny’s smile and Aly’s laugh
a runner rare and renown

18 June 2006
For Father’s Day

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Peaceful Moments

Peaceful Moments

delicate night swoons
aching bones ease down softly
cricket’s lullaby
17 June 2006

Summer Morning Coffee (tanka)

Summer Morning Coffee

willow branches wave
hot winds carry their whispers
a distant dog barks
muffled in rising thickness
warm coffee like summer’s air

17 June 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Mirror

The Mirror

shimmering mystery ~
it reveals all;

Shroud it ~
the Truth lies still
beneath the cloth;

Break it ~
its legacy lingers
seven long years;

Face it ~
bravely smile
at the crazy woman within.

15 June 2006

Amber Alert (6 Days Before Father's Day)

Amber Alert

vicious slashes done
undeniably alone
one small soul survives

© Alys Caviness-Gober
14 June 2006
for Monte, and Collin

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Journey (tanka)


summer rainfall dampens
fragrant pine trees drip sweetly
fog shrouds the mountains
long long road winds on and on
enchanting brown eyes twinkle

07 June 2006
for Jimmy

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ma BĂȘte Noir

Ma BĂȘte Noir

Like secret whispers just beyond,
Like voices through a wall,
I strain to hear their messages ~
The words too lightly fall;

Like madness, in a mirror seen,
An image almost free,
These whispers, hidden gems conceal,
Murmur insanity;

Caressingly a gentle song
Into my brain comes soft,
A balm of hope, a light of life ~
And Desolation’s lost;

My Muse allows a Melody
To tease my Soul alive;
My Muse denies me Words of Truth,
Yet on for Truth I strive.

01 June 2006

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Summer Fun (haiku)

Summer Fun

distant heat lightning
shocks my travel horizon
backseat babies sleep

31 May 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Destiny (A Wish)

(A Wish)

There once was a terrible bad man
Whose evil diarrhetically ran;
He lied once too often,
Now lies in his coffin ~
You could say the shit hit the fan.

25 May 2006

Ode To Friendship

Ode To Friendship

Time dissolves us ~
a cloud departing
with shifting winds,
as Summer's whisper
so humid dims;

Seasons roll on ~
as petals open,
the Sun's eye sears
into the drying
Earth, 'ere our tears;

Force of Nature ~
yielding unto us,
so familiar,
a hurricane bursts ~
friendship endures.

25 May 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

Silhouette and Shadows


voices waft to earth
invisibly delightful
fast floating shadow
stratospheric air balloons
silhouette of summertime

22 May 2006


dawn awakes in gold
diamond dewdrops disappear
in the shadows, kittens purr

22 May 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Geranium

The Geranium

crayon-red banners
rise atop each furry lance
velvet shields profuse
thickly, hedgelike walls surround –
no scent, just fearless sentries . . .
09 May 2006

Monday, May 01, 2006



Floors gleam at dawn,
and clear windows shine,
even ere the chirping birds
begin their morning dine;

these backs toiling ache,
these hands, scrubbed red and crack’d,
for Freedom to partake;

Not one of us
will see them clearly,
righteously we stand apart,
not one among us cares;

Selfsame, our blood
tasted Freedom here;
our immigrant ancestors
cry to us: “For shame!”

01 May 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Spring Scent (tanka)

Spring Scent

heavy hanging scent
though open windows wafting
fat drunken bees buzz
drowsily droning about
purple wisteria blooms

29 April 2006

Friday, April 28, 2006

“Parent” haiku


stinging word, "never"
weighted like humidity
but God said "okay"

28 April 2006

Friday, April 21, 2006

Mystic Moon Magick

Mystic Moon Magick

With the waxing moon
comes spells and dreams,
the magick circle's cast,
I raise my arms and pray:
"Goddess, grant Your bounty
in plenty and peace;
So mote it be."

At the full moon,
again I stand alone
within the magick circle,
with raised arms, I pray:
"God, keep us safely bound
in Your loving light;
So mote it be."

When the moon wanes
darkness steals, evil reveals,
but the magick circle holds me
and my battle-prayer begins:
"Thou, with strength of warriors,
send Your sword aloft;
So mote it be."

Under the dark new moon
there burns a ring of fire,
within the magick circle
acrid prayers rise:
"All power unto Thee!
Rage with Your decree!
So mote it be."

21 April 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lost In Passion's Gale (tanka)

Lost In Passion's Gale

distant thunder-growl
signals approaching menace
blanket fluttering
windswept plates overturning
passion's oblivious kiss

19 April 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

Rites of Passage (haiku)

Rites of Passage

whispers in a dark theater
a motor purrs, keys jangle
my children growing
14 April 2006

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Garden Moment (tanka)

Garden Moment

warm velvety skin
rolling caressing within
delighted cupped hands
sunkissed peach juices streaming
childhood sweetly remembered

8 April 2006

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2 Poems

(version one, for Diana)

floating thoughts of you
respite moments envelope
a diamond glints
4 April 2006

Tanka haiku
(version two)

floating thoughts of green
dreams from dampened dirt
blustering nights moan
respite moments envelope
a diamond glints through the dark

04 April 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Life (haiku)


dustbowl existence
voids ache in loneliness
starlight-rapture gleams

04 April 2006

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ancient Northern Battle

Ancient Northern Battle

On the morrow, battle wages;
Death will ride and search among us,
Meeting equal youths and sages
Equal measure, equal treasure;

Ye Gods! Give us fair winds and life,
Make strong our hearts and limbs born true!
The Enemy in darkness comes,
O, hear their clashing armored troops?

O Gods, secure our victory;
Our children's children shall endure
A reigning peace wrought from our swords,
Our blood in sacrifice to You;

See! With wond'rous light speak our Gods --
Illumed, our fields and forests gleam:
They dance, our Gods, to victory,
See! Their sign: 'morrow's battle won;

Hear the fear from our Enemy,
Knowest they our Gods are dancing,
Swirling lights send a pending doom:
Northern Lights signal their defeat;

Battle raging on bloody Earth;
Hearts inspired, we shall take the day,
Our swords echo the Blaze of Light,
Our eternal Gods dance with us.

25 March 2006

Friday, March 24, 2006

Spring Rain (haiku)

Spring Rain

Spring begins wildly
whirling swirling rain falling
puddle jumpers laugh

24 March 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006

March Winds

March Winds

Precocious, arrogantly smiling,
By the Ides of March, they rule;

The fortress alone, sleepless, ready --
Battle-ragĂšd, battened down;

Eerily, jauntingly, dominant,
Dawn comes down with a whistle;

A 'vancing wave of slicing lances,
Like a call to arms, coming;

Destruction spares none, nothing remains,
Cutting through, into, among;

Soundlessly now, the end is nearing,
Walls shake, foundations whimper;

Rising to repell every charge,
Battered prayers, despairing;

For the month-long battle ceases not;
From whence does strength daily come?

With calming sunlight, caressing,
Sudden end, the dead depart;

Stands tall, the ravaged bleeding fortress,
Wounded, where whips of wind struck;

Jubilant Evil, the Victor laughs,
Whirling 'way, victorious;

Like sharp March Winds, he forever comes;
Battle's lost ~ I'll fight again.

04 March 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Midsummer Victorian Garden Party (haiku)

Midsummer Victorian Garden Party

distant thunder warns
as insects and lace flutter
laughter greets the storm

27 February 2006

A Woman's Lace (haiku)

A Woman's Lace

bridal veil billows
christening gown envelopes
widow's weeds weeping alone

27 February 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Heat (tanka)


diamonds glint with heat
sparkling burning desiring
my fingers reaching
shall I sacrifice my skin?
Rice Krispie Treats beckoning . . .

26 February 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Untitled Victorian haiku


winter wind whistles
knifing sharply with each breath
steel and bone corset

23 February 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006


weathered, beaten

weathered, beaten barn
~ agĂšd, rejected, chastised ~
woman, enduring
19 February 2006

Sweet Heart (tanka)

Sweet Heart

her wild heart beating
seething sultry summer storms
desire’s tornado
stealing across his landscape
eternity’s destruction
19 February 2006

Saturday, February 11, 2006



The night comes in a moment
Of dimness echoing to stay,
Wandering thoughts meander
Restlessly echoing the day;

All is done and ne'er undone -
Time past, like Death's breath, lies final;
O Self! Discontented one -
Let go! In repose, lie peaceful.

Through taunting silence seeping,
Like silken ghosts unbidden come,
With hunted haunted weeping -
Memories floggingly fearsome;

O Deep Sleep, thou far-off fiend -
Battled night with no respite,
E'er constant struggle, in vain;
My soul surrenders the fight.


11 February 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Inevitable (haiku)


in the darkness then
night whispering winds disguise
the Grim Reaper's steps

08 February 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006

For Carole's Birthday


self-same winds blow on
through frosted air and bare trees
your beauty warms me

05 February 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Daytime Moon (haiku)

Daytime Moon

sunlight streams freely
bouncing between shadow and light
moon sailing overhead

© Alys
12 January 2006

Birds in Winter

Birds In Winter

A flash of blue in a dim brown tree,
Or a redwing against the snow,
Brings a moment's pleasure
So rare in Winter's flow.

Driven south by mighty winds,
Only a few remain
To greet the dismal mornings,
Or sing a bright refrain.

Bird feeders full and ready,
I watch them every day;
They come and eat and trill
And in thanks for them I pray.

© Alys
08 January 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006

Wings (haiku)


wind lifting lightly
sunlit jewel-wings flashing
a butterfly kiss

© Alys
06 January 2006
for Andrea